Aegiceras corniculatum
(L.) Blanco
Aegiceras corniculatum (L.)
Small tree or shrub, upto 4 m high,
spreading duffused branched, glabrous
Bark almost smooth, reddish brown or dark
Tap roots are well developed, much branched,
horizontally spreading, but without aerial roots; trunk base much thick
with the growth of basal roots.
Leaves simple, alternate to spirally arranged,
exstipulate, cauline, petiolate
Lamina ovate - obovate, or elliptic, entire,
apex round to emerginate, shiny margin curved downwardly, dorsiventral,
Inflorescence simple umbel in the shoot
apex or on the axillary branches
Flowers pentamerous, pointed in bud condition,
fragrant, complete, bisexual, zygomorphic, erect
Sepals 5, polysepalous, twisted, free,
oblong, entire, coriaceous, round apex, persistent
Petals 5, gamopetalous, twisted, slightly
fused at base to form short tube, hairy at the mouth of petals and capitate
hairs at the base. oblong - elliptic, entire, acuminate, herbaceousm white,
inferior, deciduous
Stamens 5, opposite to petals, filament
0.3 cm long, base united to form a tube, basifixed anthers, segitate, inserted,
introse, bilobed
Ovary single loculed, several ovules in
one chamber, free central placentation
Style 1, terminal, glabrous, soft, gradually
tapering, stigma absent
Fruit capsule, 2.0 cm - 9.0 cm long, completely
curved with pointed apex.
Fruit 5-8 cm long, adult fruit curved
with persistent calyx
Germination epigeal, crypto-viviparous
Economic importance : Flower nectar
is very important for the honey bee. Also used as fire wood. Tannin percentage
of the stem bark is about 7.0%